Grants & Awards
EGU Geodynamics Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award.
Core member Exploring the geophysics of rocky planets through observations and models together with Dr. Iris van Zelst and Dr. Julia Maia. GeoX Grow your idea funding for two round table meetings and a proposal writing retreat.
HPC time on HRLN cluster, Germany. Project: The Afro-Arabian rift system, phase 2. 17051 kCoreh.
Project administrator HPC time on HRLN cluster, Germany. Project: Geodynamic modeling of the crust, lithosphere and mantle, phase 5. 31490 kCoreh.
GFZ Award for Young Scientists 2020 (awarded 2023).
Team member DFG Proposal SPP 2238 DOME. Project: Reactive Transport Modelling of Ore Formation in Sedimentary Basins.
Team member HORIZON MSCA doctoral network TALENTS.
HPC time on HRLN cluster, Germany. Project: The Afro-Arabian rift system, phase 1. Monetary equivalent: E732,490.
Project administrator HPC time on HRLN cluster, Germany. Project: Geodynamic modeling of the crust, lithosphere and mantle, phase 4. Monetary equivalent: E1,395,362.
Project administrator HPC time on HRLN cluster, Germany. Project: Geodynamic modeling of the crust, lithosphere and mantle, phase 3. Monetary equivalent: E1,300,000.
HPC time on HRLN cluster, Germany. Project: Geodynamic modeling of the crust, lithosphere and mantle, phase 2. Monetary equivalent: E260,000.
HPC time on HRLN cluster, Germany. Project: Geodynamic modeling of the crust, lithosphere and mantle, phase 1. Monetary equivalent: E260,000.
Contributor to NSF grant #1551864, USA. Project: Quantifying plume-lithosphere interactions with GNSS geodesy, seismology, and geodynamic modeling. Total award: $399,047.
External collaborator on NSF grant #1925595, USA. Project: Development and application of a framework for integrated geodynamic Earth models. Total award: $1,000,000.
Geo.X international travel grant E500, Germany.
2nd Prize Best poster E150, Dutch Earth Scientific Conference, The Netherlands.
HPC time on Dutch National Supercomputer Cartesius, The Netherlands.